Medical MalpracticeNewsHow to Know If You’re a Victim of Medical Malpractice

If injured following medical treatment or a medical procedure, you may wonder whether  you are a victim of medical malpractice. Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or  other medical professional fails to meet the standard of care. The standard of care is a  set of standards that all doctors and medical professionals are expected to follow when  providing treatment to patients.  

What is Medical Malpractice?  

Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider makes careless mistakes or  provides negligent care that causes harm. Unfortunately, it’s not always simple to tell if  you have experienced medical negligence – but experienced medical malpractice  attorneys can assist in evaluating your care and determining if you are entitled to  compensation for your injuries and damages.  

If Your Doctor isn’t Thorough  

When your doctor isn’t thorough, it can lead to a misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis –  either of which can worsen a patient’s situation. For instance, a patient who has been  diagnosed with cancer and told they have six months to live, only to find out later that the  diagnosis was wrong. They may be able to seek compensation for their medical bills and  emotional distress caused by the misdiagnosis.  

Your Condition Doesn’t Improve  

Another indication of medical malpractice is when you are getting worse, and your  symptoms have not improved since being admitted to a hospital or other facility. It may  mean that your doctors or nurses are not doing everything in their power to help you get  better. 

Lack of Informed Consent  

Informed consent of the patient is one of the basic tenets of administering medicine and  providing treatment. If your doctor starts your treatment without informing you of what the  treatment will involve, this would be considered malpractice.  

Common Surgical Errors  

Surgeons are tasked with some of the most dangerous and life-threatening work in the  world, operating on their patients. Unfortunately, not all surgeons perform their duties with  the level of diligence that’s expected and required of them. A surgical error could prove  fatal or could result in significant and irreversible injuries. If the error was the result of  negligence, the Nashville medical malpractice attorneys of Leader Law can help.  

Consider some of the most common surgical errors. These are cases that, if there is  evidence of negligence on the part of the surgeon, will likely support a medical malpractice  claim. They include the following:  

  • Unnecessary or inappropriate surgeries;  
  • Improper technique or performance of surgeries;  
  • Untreated or unrecognized infections; and  
  • Pre or postoperative mistakes, such as failure to address complications resulting  from surgery.  

These and other mistakes can result in the death of a patient, or a patient may need  dangerous emergency treatments to reverse the mistake. Surgical errors can cause  permanent problems such as paralysis, brain injury, and other serious and life-changing  complications.  

Errors Made in the Administration of Anesthesia  

Anesthesia is typically used during many medical procedures. If the wrong type or amount  of anesthesia is administered, it could result in serious injury or death.  

For example, suppose a patient is given too much anesthesia during surgery; they could  stop breathing and die as a result. Other problems that may occur during anesthesia  include:  

  • Respiratory depression (slowing of breathing)  
  • Hypoxia (insufficient oxygen)  
  • Cardiac arrest (heart stops beating)  
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure). 

What You Need to Prove Medical Negligence  

In order to have a solid foundation for your case, consider the following:  

  • Evidence of physical injury. This can be shown by the presence of a significant  injury resulting from negligence by a hospital, doctor, or other medical professional. 
  • Medical records. These will show what happened during any treatment, including  evaluations and tests performed, results received, diagnoses made, and  prescriptions given.  
  • Hospital records. These may be used as evidence in some cases. Records will  show information on surgeries performed on the patient, and medical and nursing  care provided while in the hospital.  
  • Healthcare policies and regulations. These are rules that govern how doctors,  hospitals, and other medical professionals are supposed to operate. They can be  helpful in showing the appropriate tests and treatment that need to be performed.  
  • Expert witness reports. This is someone, such as a medical professional, who  will review and evaluate the care provided to a patient to determine if negligence has  occurred. Experts can help in understanding the significance of evidence or what  a hospital policy means for your case.  

Call a Nashville Medical Malpractice Attorney  

Medical malpractice is a complex and confusing area of law, making it hard to understand  what you should do when you have been harmed by a doctor’s negligence. If you’re a  victim of medical malpractice, seek legal advice promptly. There are strict time limits for  bringing a claim, which varies for every case.  

At Leader Law, our Nashville Medical Malpractice Lawyers have helped many people who  were victims of medical malpractice receive compensation. Our experienced team will  help guide you through the process of investigating your case.  

Our mission is to obtain outstanding results for our clients, irrespective of the case.  Whether it’s a truck or auto collision, liquor liability, medical malpractice, or personal  injury, get in touch with us to get started.

