Nashville Birth Injury Attorney

Medical Malpractice Lawyers for Birth Injuries and Delivery Room Errors caused by Negligence in Nashville, TN

Nashville Medical Malpractice Lawyer for Babies and Children

When you take your baby or child to their doctor, emergency room, or hospital, you trust your baby to receive necessary high-quality care. Most of the time, this happens. However, when careless errors or negligence from a healthcare provider result in an injury, it constitutes medical malpractice. With the help of our medical malpractice lawyers and birth injury attorneys, your baby or child may be entitled to recover compensation for injuries.

Common Birth Defects and Injuries

It is not always easy to determine whether your baby or child has been the victim of medical malpractice. Negligent doctors rarely admit when they make a mistake that led to a severe injury. Here are some common cases of birth defects and injuries to be aware of:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Erb’s Palsy
  • Face Paralysis
  • Bruising or Swelling
  • Bone Fractures
  • Brain Damage
  • Scarring

You will need the help of an experienced medical malpractice lawyer to uncover the truth and get the answers you need. The best way to learn about your rights and options is to speak with one of our attorneys today.

An injury to a newborn, baby, or child can be devastating to the child and family. It often results in a lifetime of care for a profoundly injured baby. If your family is facing this, we can counsel you on whether there is a case, and if so how to successfully bring a case and provide for your child’s future. Our Nashville Birth Injury Attorneys have handled a variety of cases involving newborns, babies, and children that have resulted in multi-million-dollar settlements.

Representative Cases Involving Babies

Several years of litigation resulted in a multi-million-dollar settlement for the family of a child who experienced brain damage due to a surgeon and anesthesiologist error while removing a tumor. Funds from this settlement can be used for skilled care needs that the child requires for the rest of his life. Some of the funds will be used to accommodate the child’s home to meet his disabilities.

Another case involved a child whose parents repeatedly took their baby to his doctor and made multiple visits to an emergency room. Unfortunately, the providers missed a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis resulting in lifetime injuries for the baby. The claim resulted in a multi-million-dollar payment to care for the child for the remainder of his life.

These are just a few of the many cases we have successfully handled for injured babies and children. In situations involving funds awarded to children in injury cases, the funds are customarily put into a trust or other type of restrictive account. Only a parent or guardian can access the funds for the direct needs of the child. It is important to discuss these issues with a competent and experienced lawyer, which you will find at Leader Law PLC.

Elements of Baby or Child Medical Malpractice

Baby or child medical malpractice occurs when a doctor or other healthcare professional fails to provide a level of care that meets the standards established by the medical community, and a patient is injured as a result. Often the injuries caused by medical errors can be severe, requiring additional medical procedures to correct. In some cases, medical malpractice victims may experience life-altering injuries or even wrongful death.

Proving Baby or Child Medical Malpractice in Nashville

Baby or child medical malpractice can be very difficult to prove. Most medical procedures involve some inherent risks, and it is possible for the doctor to deliver high quality care that results in unforeseen complications. To achieve a successful outcome, you must be able to prove that your child’s injuries were the result of negligence. To establish the medical malpractice, you must show:

  • The medical professional owed your child a duty of care.
  • There was a breach in this duty of care caused by an error or negligent treatment falling below the standards established by the medical community.
  • An injury directly resulted from the breach in duty of care.

Talk to a Birth Injury Attorney Today

Our Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Lawyers at Leader Law PLC are compassionate, caring, and experienced in the complex medical issues associated with these cases. If your baby or child has been a victim of medical malpractice, please call our experienced Nashville birth injury attorneys today at 615-780-4100. 


We work with a team of medical experts who will evaluate your case for evidence of malpractice. If you were a victim of wrongdoing or negligence that contributed to the injury, our medical malpractice lawyers will defend your rights and stand up to the responsible party on your behalf.

See additional cases involving Medical Malpractice and Hospital Negligence. 

If you need to consult a lawyer regarding an injury you or a family member sustained due to medical malpractice, contact our office today for assistance.